For miles a grey drizzly morning had followed us to our destination…I slumped a little glumly in the front of the 4×4 we had rented…I had been excitedly waiting to give my new telephoto lens a whirl…

With a couple of hours to kill before we were able to get into the cabin…we started driving with no particular end in mind…clouds blanketing the skies …the windshield speckled with drizzle…there were no expectations that we would catch a glimpse of any animal that I would be able to photograph that dreary early afternoon…

Dreamy and picturesque landscapes pulled me from my doldrums…I sat up and became lost in the the mountain highlands and rolling undulating plains…the tall colorful rippling grasslands of the Karoo provided a magical solace that soothed the soul…erasing the grumpiness that I had felt with the disappointment of the less than perfect sunshiny day I had requested…

…and then like a well played magic trick…”poof” they appeared…as if the ladies had been patiently waiting on the sidelines for us to arrive…two splendidly graceful lionesses emerged from the tall grasses sauntering in front of the vehicle as if taking us on a tour…

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
Albert Camus

It was a most incredible show that they put on for us…the younger one showing off…dancing on the outcropping of rocks…hiding among the sparse tree line, scrubby bushes and tall golden grasses that almost hid her unless you were aware…

The mother was sedate in her ambling…letting the younger take center stage…content in just ‘being’…yet she was always aware of where her daughter was and where they were on their search for either intruders to their territory or any potential food that might be available…

The social structure of the pride hinges around the bond between related lionesses, who collaborate in all tasks, from raising cubs to hunting.

Their journey together was a reminder that…

…although no one can walk our path for us…when the blackness of our night presses against the skin…and the very horror of life and fear freezes the blood in our veins…the presence of those who choose to walk beside imbues us with the courage to keep perservering…in spite of it all…

My Mr. P had major surgery a few weeks ago…totally unexpected…the sunlight, magic and warmth of our world instantly spiraled into a deep dark nothingness…alone in a new country and culture…without even the ability to be together… to visit or even talk with each other…he was beside me and then he was gone…my world disappeared…

I felt his absence…cold, isolated and alone

they came…the beautifully strong, powerful and nurturing women…to walk beside me in support…the magic of their fortitude and courage flowing into my shrunken and shriveled soul…

The lioness pair that I photographed at Mountain Zebra were such an incredible example of that “sisterhood” bond…

There is strength in sisterhood

With all my heart❣…A special thank you to all the wonderful beautiful souls that roar in their own right and chose to walk beside me…I am forever eternally grateful…

🎈Sent with love, laughter and magic for your day!


6 Responses

  1. Thank you Renee, for that beautifully told, wonderful story. You sure know how to words float! I appreciate you.

  2. This post is incredibly beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful way.

    1. You are most gracious. Thank you for taking the time to comment. 🦋 May your day be filled with all wonderful things that make you smile.🌺

Creator & Storyteller
Renée E. Santiago

With heart and eye, we embark on a journey of awakening the soul to find beauty in the everyday

I believe every image holds a story, and every landscape whispers a secret. Through my camera and words, I seek to capture those hidden narratives. My hope is to stir something within you – a memory, an emotion, or a sense of shared connection with the world around us.

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